个人主页: http://dslx.ustc.edu.cn/?menu=expert_paper&expertid=6569687
个人简历 Personal resume
研究方向 Research direction
招生信息 Enrollment information
论文专著 The monograph
1) Deep Potential Molecular Dynamics: a scalable model with the accuracy of quantum mechanics - Physical Review Letters - 2018
2) Pushing the limit of molecular dynamics with ab initio accuracy to 100 million atoms with machine learning - SC'20: Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis - 2020
3) Active learning of uniformly accurate interatomic potentials for materials simulation - Physical Review Materials - 2019
4) The Phase Diagram of a Deep Potential Water Model - Physical Review Letters - 2021
5) Efficient sampling of high-dimensional free energy landscapes using adaptive reinforced dynamics - Nature Computational Science - 2021
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