1) Unconditional positivity preserving and energy dissipative schemes for Poisson-Nernst-Planck equations - Numerische Mathematik - 2021 2) An Efficient and Robust Scalar Auxialiary Variable Based Algorithm for Discrete Gradient Systems Arising from Optimizations - SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing - 2023 3) Length Preserving Numerical Schemes for Landau–Lifshitz Equation Based on Lagrange Multiplier Approaches - SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing - 2023 4) Log Orthogonal Functions in Semi-Infinite Intervals: Approximation Results and Applications - SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis - 2023 5) A new Lagrange multiplier approach for constructing structure preserving schemes, II. Bound preserving - SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis - 2022 6) A Fast Petrov--Galerkin Spectral Method for the Multidimensional Boltzmann Equation Using Mapped Chebyshev Functions - SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing - 2022 7) Stability and error analysis of IMEX SAV schemes for the magneto-hydrodynamic equations - SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis - 2022 8) New SAV-pressure correction methods for the Navier-Stokes equations: stability and error analysis - Mathematics of Computation - 2022